The safety and health of workers is vital and paramount to Concentrol. And more so in extraordinary situations that demand efficient and up-to-date responses. The company, faced with the Covid-19 crisis, decided from the very beginning to take exceptional measures, following the recommendations of the authorities and the WHO.
At Concentrol, we continue working and operating to be able to deliver our solutions all over the planet, since we are aware of the impact our services have on our clients’ activity. In this sense, the company has prioritized its activity to be able to provide clients working in essential sectors such as food.
Even so, Concentrol also wants to thank the effort and work of the population that, committed to the cause, has decided to be in confinement to take care of themselves and the rest. These days, we must face the situation with social responsibility, empathy and commitment. In exceptional situations, exceptional measures.
From Concentrol we will continue with our efforts, reaffirming the commitment with society and putting our grain of sand in this fight. Social responsibility and citizen cooperation is a clear message of optimism and that we will move on. Only this way, we will be able to return to normal life as soon as possible. Much strength and encouragement to everyone!